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Serving  the individual 

Naturopathy consultation

Its objective is to establish your vitality check-up in order to develop a tailored Vital Hygiene Program that respects your needs. 

Gestion du poids

Explorez avec moi une approche personnalisée et holistique dans la gestion de votre poids, tout en optimisant votre bien-être physique et mental. Votre parcours vers une vie plus saine intègrera votre singularité et s'appuiera sur les principes puissants de la naturopathie et de la micronutrition. Choisissez de transformer votre vie dès maintenant en adoptant une vision globale de la santé et en visant un poids idéal. Votre engagement envers votre bien-être commence dès aujourd'hui. Rejoignez-moi dans cette aventure vers une meilleure version de vous-même, avec un accompagnement personnalisé pour atteindre vos objectifs de gestion du poids !


A true art of living cultivated at all levels of society, massage has been a popular therapy in ancient times.

Massages, from toddlers to seniors, can be soothing or energizing. They can also decrease nervous excitability, relieve conditions caused by stress (back pain, migraine, exhaustion and insomnia...), increase blood and lymphatic circulation and lead to a state of well-being.



  • Restore harmony between the different body fluids

  • Evacuate stress by releasing muscle tensions  

  • Relax body and mind

  • Revitalize the body, giving it more vigor  

  • Relieve physical discomfort

  • Calm nervous disorders

  • Rebalance the flow of energy circulating in the body

The wellness massage

A privileged way to achieve deep relaxation, thanks to the stimulation of sensory receptors, blood and lymphatic capillaries (at skin level).

This massage improves ones' physical, energetic, emotional and mental conditions.

It offers you a priviledged moment to find or reconnect with oneself.

Le massage 360˚

Comme son nom l'indique, il s'agit d'un massage complet du corps intégrant le massage bien-être, une réflexologie plantaire et un massage visage "lifting express". Un pur plaisir pour les amoureux du massage qui en demandent toujours encore plus.

Deep tissue / sports massage

The 'deep tissue' massage or sports massage, (close to the Swedish massage) consists, through slow and deep movements on the muscles and fascias, to release adhesions located in the muscles, tendons and ligaments in order to relax tension and help muscles regain flexibility.

It is particularly recommended for enhanced sports recovery, or during chronic tension or fully contracted regions or in the event of injury such as tendinitis of the elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.


This massage relieves athletes on the muscular level, and provides relaxing action on the fascias, which helps creating more space for the muscle, thus allowing it to relax easily. It also helps loosen adhesions, responsible for discomfort and inflammation between layers of tissue, promoting better range of motion. In addition to decongesting the tissues, it contributes effectively to optimizing mobility and reducing chronic pain.

Plantar reflexology

It consists in stimulating skin sensory cells which, through the autonomic nervous system, give orders to motor cells in order to rebalance the organs of the human body.

The 'Lifting Express' face massage

The facial massage gives you an immediate lifting and radiance effect, thanks to its toning and oxygenating action.

Dedicated only to your face and your neck, it will stimulate the lymphatic system and redefine the contours of the face. Thus, we observe a decongestion, a harmonization of the oval of the face and an attenuation of wrinkles and fine lines. 

Our environment (pollution, stress, junk food, endocrine disruptors, fatigue, fluid retention, etc.) impacts us, which will cause a lack of radiance, dull complexion, pimples, adult acne, puffiness, puffy face, fine lines of dehydration… This drainage can be carried out from time to time or as a cure of 5 sessions, to regain radiance, prevent aging, reduce redness, puffiness and dark circles, cleanse the skin and re-sculpt the face.  


  • Immediate lifting effect

  • Instant radiance

  • Drained, toned and oxygenated face  

  • Redesign of the face oval

  • Visible reduced wrinkles, fine lines, puffiness and dark circles

  • Accelerated cellular healing and repair process

  • Deep relaxation

Le massage dorsal 

Massage idéal quand on en a plein le dos!

Un gros travail en profondeur sur les points de tensions. Ce massage vous permettra de retrouver mobilité et fluidité. Vous vous sentirez allégé, détendu et prêt à reprendre vos activités quotidiennes sans contrainte.

The 'Lifting Express' face massage

The facial massage gives you an immediate lifting and radiance effect, thanks to its toning and oxygenating action.

Dedicated only to your face and your neck, it will stimulate the lymphatic system and redefine the contours of the face. Thus, we observe a decongestion, a harmonization of the oval of the face and an attenuation of wrinkles and fine lines. 

Our environment (pollution, stress, junk food, endocrine disruptors, fatigue, fluid retention, etc.) impacts us, which will cause a lack of radiance, dull complexion, pimples, adult acne, puffiness, puffy face, fine lines of dehydration… This drainage can be carried out from time to time or as a cure of 5 sessions, to regain radiance, prevent aging, reduce redness, puffiness and dark circles, cleanse the skin and re-sculpt the face.  


  • Immediate lifting effect

  • Instant radiance

  • Drained, toned and oxygenated face  

  • Redesign of the face oval

  • Visible reduced wrinkles, fine lines, puffiness and dark circles

  • Accelerated cellular healing and repair process

  • Deep relaxation

Le massage pieds et tête 

Il s'agit de la combo du massage visage liftant et d'une réflexologie plantaire 'express'. Soit une séance de 60 min qui vise à rétablir un 'équilibre entre terre et ciel'. Extrêmement relaxant et ne nécessite pas de se découvrir.

Amma massage 

This seated massage technique has the originality of being practiced over clothes and using an ergonomic chair. Simple, fast and effective, it brings in less than 25 minutes a deep relaxation and a boost of energy much appreciated in the professional world.

Serving companies

in the last years, Well-being in the workplace has been identified has a major major asset for promoting a good work life balance. It allows a better cohesion of group and consequently will influence the results of the company.

(For more information, refer to the Sustainable Development Goal 3, Good Health and Well-Being, United Nations).


Naturopathy offers health prevention actions, with different techniques (nutrition, massage therapy, herbal medicine...) to improve overall lifestyle.

From a business perspective, it allows you to: ​

  • minimize the risk of absenteism,  

  • optimize everyone's potential (performance, motivation...)

  • value the human dimension  

  • contribute to your sustainability strategy


From the employees' point of view, it allows them to: ​

  • fight against the effects of stress  

  • optimize the potential of each (self-confidence, listening, motivation...)

  • strengthen social ties  

  • create a positive and relaxed atmosphere

My offer

  • workshops adapted to the company's objectives

  • Individual on-site consultations

  • my consulting

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